Last updated: July 29th, 2019
Internet-Based Advertisement NoticeFerry On is partnered with Google Adsense to serve personalized advertisements (formally known as internet-based advertising). As of July 26th, 2019, Ferry On does not utilize the service, nor do we display Google Adsense ads on Ferry On. This service is a placeholder as the decision to display internet-based advertisements remains uncertain.
See exactly how Google uses cookies in advertising and how to manage your cookie settings by visiting
Affiliate Disclosure
Ferry On is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for the site to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to partnered products/services. Ferry On has never received any free products and/or services from these affiliates in exchange for mentioning them. Current affiliate partners include:
As partnerships form, this page will be updated immediately with affiliate partners. Any web page, email, or social media post includes affiliate links will also have disclaimers attached. Web pages and emails with affiliate links will include “This page/email contains affiliate links to products and/or services. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.” Social Media posts in which we receive compensation will include #ad, #advertisement, #sponsorship, or #paid.
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